LMSC Motion: 802.16a to RevCom

Motion: To grant conditional approval, under Procedure 10, to forward 802.16a to RevCom

Minutes of IEEE 802.16 TGa Session #22
Comment Resolution

The group reviewed a number of comments. The details are contained in the latest version of the Commentary database.

The task group delegated to the editor to make editorial changes to the document. This was accepted with no dissenting voice votes.

Motion1 To accept the database 62r1
Motion1 carries 33-0.

Motion2 To revise the D6 document to change it to a D7 document in accordance with the 62r1 database and submit this for recirculation.
Motion2 carries 32-0.

Motion 3 To move to the working group ask the SEC for conditional approval to submit the draft standard (D7) to RevCom
Motion 3 carries by unanimous voice vote

Motion 4 To reinstitute the ballot resolution committee to review an comments received during recirculation.
Motion 4 carries by unanimous voice vote.

Return to 802.16 Issues for LMSC Closing meeting of 15 November