N-WEST News #4
National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST)
July 27, 1998
A well-attended July 24 Strategy Session, held at the U.S. Department of Commerce Labortories in Boulder, Colorado has increased the momentum for an N-WEST-led standardization effort in Broadband Wireless Access. In attendance were:
- Mike Gilbert, U S WEST Advanced Technologies, Boulder, CO
- Martin Grace, Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, CA
- Ron Ketchum, Institute for Telecommunications Sciences, Boulder, CO
- Amarpal Khanna, Hewlett-Packard Company, Santa Clara, CA
- Andrew Kreig, President, Wireless Communications Association International, Washington, DC
- J. Leland Langston, Raytheon Systems Company, Plano, TX
- Roger Marks, NIST, Boulder, CO
- Ray Nettleton, Chief Technology Officer, Formus Communications, Inc., Denver, CO
- Peter Papazian, Institute for Telecommunications Sciences, Boulder, CO
- Terry Smith, Chairman and CTO, WaveSpan Corporation, Mountain View, CA
George Hendry (President, Stanford Wireless Broadband Inc.) could not attend but submitted detailed comments.
The group agreed on goals and plans of action. These will be summarized and distributed to the Supporting Companies in advance of the August 9 Kickoff Meeting.
In the past 11 days, 11 additional companies have joined as Supporting Companies of N-WEST. The current list of supporters, in the order they joined, is:
Nearly of all the N-WEST Supporting Companies, and many others, plan to attend the N-WEST Kickoff Meeting on August 9 at the Sheraton Colorado Springs in Colorado Springs, CO. The agenda is still being finalized and will be distributed as soon as possible. The meeting will run from 9 am - 4 pm. Additional working group activities may be planned for Sunday evening and Monday morning.
You need not represent a Supporting Company to attend. Please register your attendance. There is NO CHARGE to attend the N-WEST Kickoff meeting.
If you wish to attend the co-located IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON'98) on August 9-12, you may use the RAWCON registration form. RAWCON'98 is an outstanding international venue for wireless communications, featuring 94 presentations selected out of 150 submissions from 27 countries. RAWCON'98 features events of great significance to the broadband wireless industry, including:
- a Keynote Address (Monday, 1 pm) on the topic "Technical Challenges to LMDS Implementation" by Barclay Jones, Chief Technical Consultant with WNP Communications, Inc., responsible for nearly one-third of the total auction income in the US LMDS auctions
- a Banquet Address (Monday, 8:30 pm) by Larry Irving, head of the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration
- a Panel Discussion (Tuesday, 7 pm) entitled "LMDS: Jumpstarting the Industry" featuring panelists who are making that industry a reality.
The full program and details of RAWCON are on-line.
The N-WEST Kickoff Meeting and RAWCON'98 take place at the:
Sheraton Colorado Springs Hotel
2886 South Circle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Phone: (719) 576-5900
Fax: (719) 576-7695
Discounted rooms may still be available if you mention the IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference.
Roger Marks (marks@nist.gov)