Dear LMSC Executive Committee Members:
Pursuant to the LMSC Operating Rules, I am hereby submitting to the LMSC Executive Committee a proposed PAR entitled "Standard for Broadband Wireless Access Systems." I would like this proposal to be considered by the Executive Committee at the March 1999 Plenary Meeting, which begins 34 days from today. A statement of how the project will meet the Five Criteria is attached.
This proposal is a project of the IEEE 802 Study Group on Broadband Wireless Access, which was chartered by the 802 Executive Committee on November 12, 1998. The Study Group prepared the PAR at its meeting of January 13-15, 1999 in Orlando, Florida. The meeting was attended by 66 people, whose names and companies are listed in the Five Criteria statement. We have been blessed with the participation of several experienced LMSC members, including Jim Mollenauer, George Eisler, George Fishel, Al Petrick, and Tom Kolze.
At the January meeting, the Study Group filled the following positions by election:
A number of Study Group members have volunteered for one or more of these Task Groups. The Task Groups are at work preparing for the March Plenary Meeting, where we expect to meet for at least three days.
The Study Group is anxious to develop this standard quickly. I look forward to resolving any concerns that could keep the PAR from being approved next month. You are welcome to contact me with any advice or suggestions.
P.S. For your reference, I will also send you a report of the January 13-15,
1999 meeting. If you are interested in reading further, you may want to look at
our web site
Best regards,
Dr. Roger B. Marks
Chair, IEEE 802 Study Group on Broadband Wireless Access
National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST)
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO
phone: 1-303-497-7837 fax: 1-303-497-7828
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Project Authorization Request (PAR)
Page1 (Jan98, Rev V9)
1. Sponsor Date of Request [ ]
2. Assigned Project Number [P ]
3. PAR Approval DATE ________
[ ] PAR Signature Page Received {IEEE Staff to check Box}
4. Project Title and Working Group/Sponsor for this Project
Document type : {Place an X in only one option below}
[x] Standard for {Document stressing the verb "SHALL"}
[ ] Recommended Practice for {Document stressing the verb "SHOULD"}
TITLE: [Standard for Broadband Wireless Access Systems]
{Copyright release at the end of this form must be submitted with
appropriate signatures by postal mail or FAX (1-732-562-1571)}
Name of Working Group(WG) : [IEEE 802 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access]
Name of Official Reporter (usually the WG Chair) who MUST be an SA member as well as an IEEE/Affiliate Member: [Roger B. Marks]
Title in WG: [Chair]
IEEE/SA/Affiliate Member # [08122103]{Required}
Company: [NIST] Telephone: [303-497-7837]
Address: [325 Broadway, MC 818.00] FAX: [303-497-7828]
City/State/Zip: [Boulder, CO 80305] EMAIL: []
Name of WG Chair (if different than Reporter): [ ]
IEEE/Affiliate Memb # [ ]{Required}
Company: [ ] Telephone: [ ]
Address: [ ] FAX: [ ]
City/State/Zip: [ ] EMAIL: [ ]
Name of Sponsoring Society and Committee:
[Computer Society, LAN/MAN Standards Committee; Microwave Theory and Techniques Society]
Name of Sponsoring Committee Chair: [Jim Carlo, LAN/MAN Standards Committee]
Company: [Texas Instruments] Telephone: [214-340-8837]
Address: [9208 Heatherdale Drive] FAX: [214-853-5274]
City/State/Zip: [Dallas, TX 75243-6332] EMAIL: []
5. Describe this Project by answering each of four questions below:
5a. Update an existing PAR? {Yes/No} [No]
If YES: Indicated PAR number/approval date []
If YES: Attach cover letter indicating changes/rationale for changes.
If YES: Is this project in ballot now? [ ] {Yes/No}
5b. Choose one from the following:
b1 -[x] New Standard
b2 -[ ] Revision of existing standard {number and year} [ ]
b3 -[ ] Supplement to existing standard {number and year} [ ]
5c. Choose one from the following:
c1 -[x] Full Use (5-year life cycle)
c2 -[ ] Trial Use (2-year cycle)
5d. Fill in Target Completion Date to IEEE RevCom [January 31, 2001]
6. Scope of Proposed Project
{what is being done, including technical boundaries on the work}
{This should be brief (less than 5 lines recommended)}
[This standard includes specifications for the air interface, including the physical layer and media access control layer, of fixed point-to-multipoint broadband wireless access systems providing multiple services operating in the vicinity of 30 GHz. These specifications will be broadly applicable to systems operating between 10 and 66 GHz.]
7. Purpose of Proposed Project:
{why it is being done, including intended users, and benefits to users}
{This should be brief (less than 5 lines recommended)}
[To enable rapid worldwide deployment of innovative, cost-effective, and interoperable multivendor broadband wireless access products. To facilitate competition in broadband access by providing alternatives to wireline broadband access. To facilitate coexistence studies, encourage consistent worldwide allocation, and accelerate the commercialization of broadband wireless access spectrum.]
8. Intellectual Property {Answer each of the questions below}
8a. Are you aware of any patents relevant to this project?
[Yes] {Yes, with detailed explanation below/ No}
[Companies that may hold relevant patents (issued or pending) include:
AMP Inc.
Cellularvision Technology & Telecommunications, L.P.*
Ensemble Communications, Inc.
Harris Corp.
Hughes Network Systems*
Netro Corp.
Nortel Networks
Philips Electronics
Stanford Telecom, Inc.
Texas Instruments*
WavTrace, Inc.
*not participating in Study Group at time of PAR submission
Participating companies have been asked to review IEEE patent policies.]
8b. Are you aware of any copyrights relevant to this project?
[No] {Yes, with detailed explanation below/ No}
[ ] {Explanation}
8c. Are you aware of any trademarks relevant to this project?
[No] {Yes, with explanation below/ No}
[ ] {Explanation}
9. Are you aware of other standards or projects with a similar scope?
[Yes] {Yes, with explanation below/ No}
[The Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has a project known as HIPERACCESS which is attempting to standardize broadband wireless access in Europe.]
10. International Harmonization
Is this standard planned for adoption by another international organization?
[Yes] {Yes/No/?? if you don't know at this time}
If Yes: Which International Organization [ITU-R]
If Yes: Include coordination in question 13 below
If No: Explanation [ ]
11. Is this project intended to focus on health, safety or environmental issues?
[No] {Yes/No/?? if you don't know at this time}
If Yes: Explanation? [ ]
12. Proposed Coordination/Recommended Method of Coordination
12a. Mandatory Coordination
SCC 10 (IEEE Dictionary) by DR
IEEE Staff Editorial Review by DR
SCC 14 (Quantities, Units and Letter symbols) by DR
12b. Coordination requested by Sponsor and Method:
[ITU-R] by [LI] {circulation of DRafts/LIaison memb/COmmon memb}
[ETSI BRAN] by [LI] {circulation of DRafts/LIaison memb/COmmon memb}
[{others tbd}] by [DR] {circulation of DRafts/LIaison memb/COmmon memb}
{Choose DR or LI or CO for each coordination request}
12c. Coordination Requested by Others:
[ ] {added by staff}
Additional Explanation Notes: {Item Number and Explanation}
[This standard will rely on the results of a related standard defining principles by which broadband wireless access systems can coexistence in areas of adjacent or overlapping geography or spectrum. A PAR outlining this "coexistence" standard is in preparation by the IEEE 802 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access for consideration at the July 5-9, 1999 802 Exectutive Committee meetings.]
{If necessary, these can be continued on additional pages}
{Five Criteria (attached)}
Roger Marks (