802.16 Letter Ballot #2

IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #2 was declared complete and approved on 18 February 2001 following the completion of Recirculations Ballot #2a and #2b. The voting results are available. Details on the three ballot stages are below.

Document under review: IEEE 802.16.2/D2-2001 (originally IEEE 802.16.2/D1-2000; both are private)
Document title: Recommended Practice for Coexistence of Broadband Wireless Access Systems
[This document carries the IEEE copyright notice and is provided only to 802.16 Members and Observers. If you need to consult with a colleague regarding a copyrighted 802.16 document, please provide the document directly, notifying your colleague that the document is not to be provided to anyone else. Do not share your password.]

Motion: To approve Document IEEE 802.16.2/D1-2000 and forward it for Sponsor Ballot

Ballot opening date: 17 November 2000

Ballot closing date: 27 December 2000 (local time anywhere on Earth)

To participate in the ballot, you must download the Balloting Tool and use it to prepare your vote and comments. Submission instructions are included. The output of the Balloting Tool is a comma-delimited text file. To submit your ballot, copy the text from that file into the body of an email message addressed to Roger Marks with the subject "802.16.2 Ballot". {If necessary, you may email the output file as an attachment.}


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