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RE: [RPRWG] Cut through definition?

This reflector has become very active and some very interesting points
made on cut-through versus store-forward. I take the privellege of jumping
in late after learning about all the wisdom out there. I am probably repeating
what has already been said but would like to focus the discussion on possibilities
that help us converge on a standard quickly and one that are more pragmatic and
not optimized for the pathological case.
Here is an idea for us RPRians to chew on -----
What if RPR supports cut-thorugh and store-forward modes with the
class-of-service field in the header permiting a tranist node to make that
The first problem is there are 2 mode and perhaps 3 or more criteria (based
on CoS bits). Say, for being similar to others RPR supports 8 classes (3 bits).
We could pre-program an RPR MAC to associate either a CT or SF for each
of this class. Obviously this would be a ring wide decision and not change
from node to node.
Incoming packets could be examined for their CoS bits and the MAC decide
if this a CT or SF type packet. CT type makes it through the transit node
if the header is error free. SF type packet gets handed to the system. The
system could then impose further scheduling rules between "add" and "pass SF"
traffic based on QoS requirements for the servcies it supports.
For example, if an RPR system implements 8 classes of traffic to accomodate
all its QoS requirements. It could segment this classes into two groups. One set
(of classes) is used for reserved (guaranteed) BW - meaning = the call admission provsioning software
has removed this BW from the ring segemnts to indicate how much more is available
for this set on the ring. The other set (of remaining classes) could be categorized
as over-subscribed class. Typically, such an over-subscribed class goes through
policing followed by shapping.  Now one can choose to use some sort of signalling
(like SRP or iPT) to dynamically throttle schedulers for the SF type of "add" traffic at
each node or leave it to the system to use dynamic packet discard alogithms combind
a scheduler that has bandwidth awareness based on spatial reuse fof the left over bandwidth
after CT traffic is guaranteed.
This choice really depends on the levels of over-subscription users can tolerate and I
feel that mandating. Hence, if we come up with a message format for signaling
congestion we can have the standard define what a node should do when it gets
such a congestion notification but leave it open to the system implementor as to
when to generate such a signal (or even not generate one). We could learn a lot
from ethernet's pause mechanism philosophy here.
This solutions uses some of the "loop-holes" we have created in the objectives.
For example if someone says that the RPR MAC shall be not loose packets
in transit - we take care of it because transit traffic is always in cut-thorugh mode.
SF traffic can be considered as non-transit (or pseudo-transit) packet.
Now, question is how much of buffer is needed in transit path. Life has taught us well
and those that do not heed to history will perish and the meek who accept convetional wisdom
will inherit the earth. If the transit buffer size has to scale with ring speed we have a MAC
definition that will change from 2.5 gig to 10 gig and at each and every step along the
way. However, if we use the above scheme, we could dictate that pass CT (aka - transit traffic)
always has the highest priority. With this the maximum transit path needs to be only one MTU size
long. If a node happens to receive on the ring a CT type of packet while "adding"
it will have to hold the CT type before it finishes "adding" to the ring. Obviously, large MTU
size on the ring has significant impact on jitter and delay and hence must be chosen on a ring wide
basis to accomodate the type of QoS the boxes require. Further which packet a nodes
wants to add "first" (of all the packets it has) and whcih it chooses to classify as "CT" is really a
system issue
I would recommend that we explore this further to further the standard because I feel that
further debate on this will only further the point in time when we can have a standard.
-----Original Message-----
From: William Dai [mailto:wdai@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:29 AM
To: stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RPRWG] Cut through definition?

Dear Harmen,
I really cannot agree with your "freedom" speech in the context of MAC definition.
Let's not forget we're defining a "shared media" MAC.
If my understanding is correct, you don't even want to standardize on the different
class behavior of the MAC, right ? If you don't agree that there should be any class
behavior class difference at MAC layer, I rest my case; otherwise, if you allow
different node has different interpretation of the class behavior, then where is the
"Interoperablity" coming from ?
Best Regards
William Dai
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:22 AM
Subject: RE: [RPRWG] Cut through definition?

Dear Ray
1) Nothing prevents that nodes with cut-through and nodes with store-and-forward can work together.
2) Also different buffer scheduling mechanisms can be used.
3) Even a different number of buffer classes in the nodes works when a class mapping scheme is agreed on.
There will certainly be a difference in the performance of the nodes, but the standard should leave freedom as much as possible. No special configuration should be mandatory. Equipment manufactures and network operators should decide.
Preemption is less complex than is claimed in all email-responses. Also preemption should in fact remain a degree of freedom. Nodes with and without preemption can perfectly exist in the same ring, if the ring input-part of each node can handle preempted packets so that preempted and preempting packets are received correctly. If we not agree that all ring-input parts must understand preemption, then at least the standard should allow that those nodes designed for preemption are conform to the standard. In that case, a preemptive node will not use the feature when the next node is not preemptive. Again equipment manufactures and network operators should be able to decide whether it will be necessary to have packet preemption or not. There, are a lot of countries, a lot of applications, and not at last cost-considerations, where the features of resilience and QoS is very important, but where lower bit rates like 155/622 Mbit/s perfectly fit, and that still for a long time to go. Here, voice-like applications and large data frames ask for preemption.
With respect to jumbo packets, I like to ask who really knows what the right MTU for future high-performance applications will be. If the use of RPRs should be transparent in a variety of network environments, then again equipment manufactures and network operators should decide on the MTU in their products and their application, respectively. The standard should allow again for freedom, however requiring of course a minimum MTU.
What I advocate is that the standard should guarantee interworking, but manufacturers should have some design freedom to differentiate in the performance and cost features of their products.
Best regards, Harmen
Original message
RE: [RPRWG] Cut through definition?
     To: "'Harry Peng'" <hpeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Sushil Pandhi <Sushil.Pandhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Leon Bruckman <leonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     Subject: RE: [RPRWG] Cut through definition?
     From: Ray Zeisz <
     Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 19:43:09 -0400
     Cc: "
'davidvja@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <davidvja@xxxxxxxxxxx>, stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx

Title: RE: [RPRWG] Cut through definition?
I agree with Harry on the complexity issues.  It is a resilient PACKET ring.  If the user wants granularity smaller than packets they can readily buy SONET equipment.
And how would we signal that a packet is being pre-empted and remain PHY agnostic?  It seems that some sort of control character would need to be agreed upon for the pre-emption...but I digress.
There has been a lot of debate on the cut-through issue, but one thing that has not really come out is the ability to implement RPR with existing technology.  I have read the Cisco RFC on SRP and have found nothing in that RFC that would prevent me from going out and buying an off the shelf Network Processor and implementing that protocol.  Once the IEEE 802.17 dictates that store and forward is not acceptable, the ability to do that is removed.  If cut-through is required, then we just added 18-months to the availability date of working 802.17 products, since new silicon will be required.  Of course, there may be companies out there that already have silicon in the works....and would like to require cut-through operation as a way to maintain a barrier to entry in this market.  (I am not trying to say anyone is doing this with .17, but I have seen that kind of activity in other standards bodies.)
As far as the number of classes of service to support:  I initially thought that it would be nice to have many (i.e. 8) classes of service as well as their behavior dictated by the .17 standard.  After following the reflector the last few weeks it seems that would be totally the wrong thing to do.  I am now wondering if anyone would be in support of not standardizing multiple classes of service at all, and instead simply requiring nodes to implement a fairness algorithm that ensures a configurable percentage of the data stream from the ring is propagated through the node.  For example, on a 1 G ring, with 10 nodes could we not configure each node to ensure that it provides priority to the transit buffer with a 9:1 ratio?  I realize that there is a lot of work going into fairness algorithms, but maybe those should be vendor differentiators and not standardized.  That goes for the pre-emption feature too....if all the nodes could communicate and agree that they understand pre-emption then it could be used, as an option.
I do not work for a silicon vendor, I am looking at these problems from a systems provider point of view.  I would really like to see some more "real life" requirements and input on these subjects from the carriers and service providers that will be buying the equipment.  If they are out there, please speak up.
Regards, Ray
Ray Zeisz
Technology Advisor
LVL7 Systems
(919) 865-2735
Prof.Dr. Harmen R. van As       Institute of Communication Networks
Head of Institute                      Vienna University of Technology
Tel  +43-1-58801-38800           Favoritenstrasse 9/388
Fax  +43-1-58801-38898          A-1040 Vienna, Austria      email: Harmen.R.van-As@xxxxxxxxxxxx