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[RPRWG] September Interim


Most of the details are now on the web-site for the September Interim.
Please go to
and have a look.

Aug 10 is the deadline for slot requests.
Sep 3 is the deadline for presentation upload.

If you are going to make a request for a slot (or slots)
Please include: 

1) A file name in the form xxx_yyyyy_01.pdf where
   xxx = the three letter initials of the presenter
   yyyyy = a three to six letter acronym for the 
2) The estimated time to present the material
3) The name of the presenter
4) The Title of the Presentation
5) A brief abstract of the presentation (so I can put it in the
   right grouping)

Bonus points are given to people who actually put the first 4 pieces 
of information requested above on 4 separate lines in their email
so it will be easy for me to cut and paste into my planning spreadsheet.

A numeric file locator will be assigned to each person and sent 
back to them as a confirmation of receipt.

The preliminary agenda will go out about 1 week later.


Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-271-3399       fax: 613-271-4867