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[RPRWG] New locator codes and presentation list

thanks and apologies to those of you who I missed here is the new list.
Pleas check it again and make sure I did not delete you.



802-17-01-00050	hp_brcom_01.pdf		20	Harry Peng		Bridging Compliance Report
802-17-01-00051	rc_ebridge_01.pdf	20	Robert Castellano	Encapsulating Bridging in RPR
802-17-01-00052	dvj_flow_01.pdf		20	David James		Flow Control
802-17-01-00053	nu_fair_01.pdf		30	Necdet Uzun		Updated SRP Fairness
802-17-01-00054	vas_disres_01.pdf	20	Harmen R. van As	Distributed Resource Reservation
802-17-01-00055	vas_cremac_01.pdf	20	Harmen R. van As	Credit-Based RPR MAC Protocol with Link Fairness
802-17-01-00056	vas_cycmac_01.pdf	20	Harmen R. van As	Cyclic Reservation RPR MAC Protocol with Link Fairness
802-17-01-00057	gmo_fairu_01.pdf 	30	Gal Mor			Improving Fairness Performance
802-17-01-00058	am_mrm_01.pdf		30	Adisak Mekkittikul	MAC Reference Model
802-17-01-00059	sw_mrm_01.pdf		30	Steven Wood		MAC Reference Model
802-17-01-00060	pkj_mref_01.pdf		20	Pankaj Jha		MAC Reference Model for Port Management
802-17-01-00061	rs_sipart_01.pdf	20	Raj Sharma		Silicon Partitioning
802-17-01-00062	nu_tpath_01.pdf		20	Necdet Uzun		Transit Path Design
802-17-01-00063	sa_transit_01.pdf	30	Sanjay K Agrawal	Transit Path Design
802-17-01-00064	cb_layer_01.pdf		20	Constantinous Bassias	Layer Management in RPR
802-17-01-00065	ib_oamp_01.pdf		25	Italo Busi		OAM&P in RPR Networks
802-17-01-00066	lbr_oamf_01.pdf 	30	Leon Bruckman		OAM in RPR
802-17-01-00067	dvj_pfmt_01.pdf		20	David James		Packet Formats
802-17-01-00068	rs_frame_01.pdf		20	Raj Sharma		RPR Frame Format
802-17-01-00069	vas_perfo_01.pdf	20	Harmen R. van As	Performance Results of RPR MAC Protocols
802-17-01-00070	hp_bwmgt_01.pdf		20	Harry Peng		BW Management for RPR
802-17-01-00071	sg_fcsim_01.pdf		20	Stein Gjessing		Evaluation of different Flow Control Algorithms
802-17-01-00072	hp_sonet_01.pdf		20	Harry Peng		SONET PHY Physical Layer Requirements
802-17-01-00073	sw_sonet_01.pdf		20	Steven Wood		SONET PHY Physical Layer Requirements
802-17-01-00074	ib_vconc_01.pdf		20	Italo Busi		SONET/SDH Virtual Concatenation for RPR
802-17-01-00075	rb_phy_01.pdf		30	Rhett Brikovskis	RPR Physical Layer Proposals
802-17-01-00076	vtm_rprsdh_01.pdf	20	Vittorio Mascolo	RPR/SONET/SDH Protection Interaction
802-17-01-00077	lbr_swis_01.pdf		30	Leon Bruckman		SWIS Contribution
802-17-01-00078	pkj_top_01.pdf		20	Pankaj Jha		Topology Discovery and Fault Recovery
802-17-01-00079	nu_prot_01.pdf		20	Necdet Uzun		Co-existance of Wrapping and Steering
802-17-01-00080	cch_op3_01.pdf		30	Changcheng Huang	Optera Performance III
802-17-01-00081	nu_mcp_01.pdf		30	Necdet Uzun		Multiple Choke Pt Perf
802-17-01-00082	sp_cstmdl_01.pdf	15	Steve Plote		RPR Cost Model
802-17-01-00083	nu_netarch_01.pdf	20	Necdet Uzun		Network Architecture
802-17-01-00084	bs_tmgt_01.pdf		30	Bob Sultan		Traffic Management
802-17-01-00085	jcf_topo_01.pdf		30	Jason Fan		RPR Topology Discovery Proposal
802-17-01-00086	atf_gfp_01.pdf		20	Angela T Faber		GFP Considerations for RPR
802-17-01-00087	vr_sbcman_01.pdf	30	Vish Ramamurti		MAN / WAN interconnection options for SBC
802-17-01-00088	vr_ethman_01.pdf	30	Vish Ramamurti		Issues with building a metro-area network using Ethernet Switches
802-17-01-00089	ah_ietf_01.pdf		5	Albert Herrera		IETF IPORPR Update
802-17-01-00090	sa_open_01.pdf		25	Siamack Ayandeh 	Merits of Open Loop
802-17-01-00091	jal_prot_01.pdf		30	John Lemon		Proposal For Protection Algorithm
802-17-01-00092	dg_efmoam_01.pdf	25	Denton Gentry		OAM in EFM
802-17-01-00093	am_protec_01.pdf 	30	Ashwin Moranganti	RPR Protection Mechanism
802-17-01-00094	sw_frame_01.pdf		20	Steven Wood		RPR Frame Format
802-17-01-00095	sg_dpr_01.pdf		20	Stein Gjessing		Dynamic spatial reuse avoiding HOL blocking

Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-271-3399       fax: 613-271-4867