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[RPRWG] Austin Meeting Details / Process

Dear RPPWGers,

Sorry for the delay in getting this out. A reasonable amount
of thought and research has gone into this process.

The goals of the November meeting are as follows:
 - adminstration
   determination of new voting members
   review of rules for gaining and losing voting rights
   review of rules for voting at the meeting
 - presentation of proposals for the baseline of the standard
 - determination if any proposal has sufficient support to move forward
   (75% technical vote)
 - terms and definitions resolution
 - determine if encapsulating bridging is our preferred method for 802.1D
   or just something we want to try to standardize or something we leave
   for vendors to do in a proprietary manner.
 - meeting with 802.1 to discuss standard transparent bridging and 
   possibly encap bridging (Thursday morning)
 - possible convergence of proposals if none have sufficient support to 
   move forward
 - other presentations of interest to the WG

If a proposal does garner 75% support it will become the baseline 
proposal and serve as draft 0.0 Given that the jobs of the editors
to make the draft whole - people need to concentrate on the technical
aspects of all of the proposals and not get too hung up on editorial
issues. The focus should be on if the proposal is understandable from
a technical perspective.

If a proposal does not garner support we need to be aware that we 
have until the end of january to reach concensus on the major 
technical issues and still be on schedule. However, if we can 
reach concensus this meeting we will be in a position to beat our 

The rough schedule for the meeting is as follows

Monday Morning 
 - the room can be made available to committee work - 
   Bob / Khaled please advise.

Monday Afternoon
 - Administrivia
 - Update on Terms and Definitions Ad-Hoc
   - voting on terms and definitions
 - Discussion on Encap Bridging as method for .1D
   VOte to determine if encap bridging should be discussed with .1
 - Vote to formally approve liason to T1X1.5
 - Presentations on Proposals and discussion of same

Monday Night
 - Terms and Definitions Ad-hoc Comment Resolution if needed
 - Possible adhoc on processes for achieving concensus

 - Presentations on Proposals and discussion of same
 - Voting on Proposals for Baseline
 - Determination of need to charter adhocs on "sections of standard"

Tuesday Night
 - Performance Committee if requested
 - Adhoc committees meet

 - Other Presentations
 - Planning of January Meeting
 - Pre-Planning of May Meeting

 - Other Presentations
 - Adhoc committee reports - have they made progress?
 - Changes to Proposals (assuming progress in compromise is reached)
 - Discussion on How to Proceed

 - NO MEETINGS OF 802.17 - Committees and Ad-hocs can request
   room space for meetings.

Normally requests for slots would have had to have been in next
monday. Due to the lateness on my part I will accept requests for
slots up until the 22nd. However, realistically - if there is 
behind the scenes movement on proposals peoples requirements may
change so I will be considering all presentation slot requests 
even after that date. However, I would appreciate that requests
come in as early as possible.

Presentations and proposal docs need to be into me by wednesday
night November 7 so that John can get them posted by the friday.


Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-271-3399       fax: 613-271-4867