Dear Sir,
I am Devendra Potnis , from Mumbai , India.
I have completed my B.E. with FIRST class in Computer Engineering,from Mumbai University and now pursuing Advanced Post-graduation Diploma in Software Technology, from NCST , Mumbai.
I have achieved "Jyotish -Shastry",a prestigious degree awarded from "Jyotish Sanshodhan Mandal",India , as a result of 3 years course completion in Astrology.
I have taken GRE for pursuing MS in Computer Science in US university.
I have applied to following US universities for MS Fall 2002.
(1)Minnesota University. Minneapolis
(2)Indiana University. Bloomington
(3)SUNY Buffalo. Buffalo
(4)Louisiana Lafayette
(5)Maryland College Park
(6)Cincinnati Cincinnati
I wish to have guidance from you concerned with my career.Should I join any new courses?
I would appreciate your experience about my field.
I am waiting for your reply.
Sincerely your's,
Devendra Dilip Potnis