[RPRWG] Last day to Register on-line
this is a reminder that today is the last day to register on
line for the May meeting and save $50. Please register prior
to 6pm PST.
Also, from a planning perspective, knowing how many people are
pre-registered allows us to hit the amount of food needed
for lunches the first 2 days much more accurately. So you save
money and are sure to get food!
the link is
Current weather conditions in Ottawa are unfortunately unseasonably
low. A URL for Environment Canada is
I suggest you check it at the end of this week and pack accordingly.
Michael Takefman tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering, Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399 fax: 613-254-4867