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[RPRWG] Availability of Updated Comments With Proposed Resolutions for P802.17 D0.2

Title: Availability of Updated Comments With Proposed Resolutions for P802.17 D0.2

Dear IEEE 802.17 Working Group Member:

This e-mail is to advise you of the availability, for review, of the final set of 1112 comments
(including 211 carried-over comments) against Draft P802.17/D0.2 (posted on April 15, 2002). This
set contains proposed resolutions submitted by WG members for specific comments, and also has the
latest updates to the comment records. This database will be used during the comment resolution
at the May 2002 interim meeting in Ottawa, ON. A copy of the draft, the Comment Resolution Database
(CRD) and the associated Commentary Users Guide, plus some additional files (in PDF and PowerPoint
form) for use in conjunction with comments, can be found on our password-protected website.

Please note the following updates to the Comment Resolution Database (CRD):

        1. Comment numbers 205 through 339, inclusive, in the original CRD have been replaced
        with comments number 205 through 330, inclusive. This was done to correct an
        unfortunate error (old comments against Draft 0.1 were submitted instead of
        comments against Draft 0.2).

        2. Comment number 331 is new, and has been submitted as a result of an editorial error
        detected during review.

In order to update your version of the Comment Resolution Database, please read the following
instructions carefully.

If you have not modified your previously downloaded copy of the CRD, or do not wish to retain your
modifications, then simply download the CommentaryData.USR and ReplyData.USR files from the website
into the same working directory for the CRD that you have currently been using. This will overwrite
the files of the same name that should be present in your working directory, and automatically
update your CRD to reflect the latest changes.

If you have entered any proposed resolutions in your working copy of the CRD that you would like
to keep, then follow the procedure below:

        1. Open your working copy of the CRD.
        2. Under the Records menu, click on Show All Records.
        3. Under the Scripts menu, click on Export Clause Editor's Proposals.
        4. Enter a suitable name (e.g., "my_records.USR") in the dialog box that
                follows and click Save.
        5. Now exit the CRD and make a backup copy of your CommentaryData.USR and
                ReplyData.USR files.
        6. Download the CommentaryData.USR and ReplyData.USR files from the website
                to your working directory. This will replace the files already
                existing at that location.
        7. Open your working copy of the CRD again, and verify that it is updated.
                There should be a total of 1112 records (as opposed to 1120 in the
                original version).
        8. Under the Records menu, click on Show All Records.
        9. Under the Scripts menu, click on Import Clause Editor's Proposals.
        10. In the warning dialog box that follows, click OK. A new dialog box
                will appear.
        11. Enter the name of the file you created in step 4 above (e.g.,
                "my_records.USR") in the dialog box and click Open.
        12. You should now have a new, updated copy of the CRD with all of your
                proposed resolutions intact.

If you should have any questions, problems or comments please contact:
        Mike Takefman
        Chair, IEEE 802.17 Working Group
        Office: 613-271-3399 Fax: 613-271-3333
        Tom Alexander
        Chief Editor, IEEE 802.17 Working Group
        Office: 503-431-7303 Fax: 503-431-7400