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[RPRWG] =?gb2312?B?tPC4tDogUmU6IFtSUFJXR10gQWJvdXQgZXRoZXJuZXQgc2VydmljZSBvdmVy?=RPR


Thanks, Mike. I had thought of it. But don't you think the overhead is too
high when it is used in the metro area? I suppose there be thousands of
ethernet hosts connected to the metro net. so the RPR ring will be full of
STP control frames all the time. Am I right?

I am a new comer to RPR. Maybe this point had been talked about?

Thanks & Best Regards.

                    Mike Takefman                                                                       
                    <tak@xxxxxxxxx>                   收件人:     mayulu@xxxxxxxxxx                    
                    发件人:                          抄送:  stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx                      
                    owner-stds-802-17@majordom        主题:  Re: [RPRWG] About ethernet service over   
                    2002-06-05 22:15                                                                    


802.17 must support 802.1D&Q transparent bridging as part of
our 5 Criteria. Therefore, an RPR ring is no different than
any other 802 LAN.


mayulu@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
> Could anyone tell me if there has been consensus on how ethernet service
> transported over RPR?
> I suppose the ring is a transmit system, and ethernet domains attached to
> different RPR nodes communicate with each other.  So there should be
> consensus on how to exchange (custermor MAC address : RPR node No.)
> information among RPR nodes.
> Am I right? I could't find any clue on Darwin draft.
> Thanks & Best Regards.

Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       fax: 613-254-4867