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[RPRWG] Corrected version of Clause 6 uploaded


It appears that during the process of converting the FrameMaker
draft to PDF, some of the cross-hatching and shading in the
figures in Clause 6 (MAC) was obliterated. This seems to be an
artifact of the Adobe tools used to produce the draft, and makes
the figures difficult or impossible to understand. A version of
Clause 6 with corrected figures has been posted to the password
protected web page for D0.3. You may access the file at:

I apologize for the inconvenience. This problem is being addressed
and should not occur in the next draft. Thanks to John Lemon for
catching this issue and providing a corrected version for posting.

Best regards,

- Tom Alexander
Chief Editor, P802.17
(503) 431-7303