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[RPRWG] Advancing the RPR schedule


Thank you for your most eloquent talk at the
end of the RPR meeting, confirming the need
to pursue an advanced schedule.

One approach towards advancing the schedule
is to remove work items, as was attempted.

Another approach is to facilitate faster
resolution of the existing work items.
Better communication could be used to
facilitate such timely resolutions.

The engineering process could be helped in several

  1) Provide a web site where documents
     can be freely posted by any RPR member.
     Since the reflector cannot send big
     attachments, this would be most helpful.
  2) Upgrade the comment resolution process,
     so that drop-in text can be linked from
     the comment. Hard to provide drop-in
     text resolutions without this.
  3) Provide reflectors, for each of the
     ad-hocs and subadhocs. The current
     method of signup is too ad-hoc.

These are very possible services that (I believe)
can be provided at minimal cost. I believe that
that the resulting improvements in communication
will facilitate standards resolution directly
as well as indirectly through encouragement of
team building.

If you and others are as dedicated to schedule,
as indicated at the last meeting, these facilities
should be easily provided.

Dropping things from the scope&PAR is the other
alternative that was proposed. Unfortumately,
selection of the deletions leads to hostilities,
as well as wasting time that could have been
directed into the design effort.

Can you and your marketing compatriots
provide help in the aforementioned areas?
Would be most appreciated.


David V. James, PhD
Chief Architect
Network Processing Solutions
Data Communications Division
Cypress Semiconductor, Bldg #3
3901 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95134-1599
Work: +1.408.545.7560
Cell: +1.650.954.6906
Fax:  +1.408.456.1962
Work: djz@xxxxxxxxxxx
Base: dvj@xxxxxxxxxxxx
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-stds-802-17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-stds-802-17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of John Hawkins
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 1:22 PM
To: 'stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx'
Subject: [RPRWG] Website update from the July meeting

I have updated the website page with the latest information I had from the meeting. Please check it out and alert me if there are
errors, missing files, version problems, etc...