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RE: [RPRWG] Second Meeting of X.msr Ad-hoc

Title: Second Meeting of X.msr Ad-hoc
Regarding points (5) and (6) my opinion was that the standard is clear enough as it is:
- Section 13 defines how to use the MLME to access the MIB
- The MIB includes parameters to set the protection commands (rprSpanProtectionCommand) and the reserved bandwidth (rprFairnessReservedRate)
- The MIB itself describes the parameters
I don't know what more is needed, so I can not suggest any text. I recommend to explain to Dr. Yu the logic behind the standard layout as it is today.
-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Parsons [mailto:gparsons@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: [RPRWG] Second Meeting of X.msr Ad-hoc


Attached please find minutes of the 2nd X.msr adhoc.

Essentially we will be submitting comments against D2.1 to resolve the issues.

