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Re: [RPRWG] Error in rate normalization?


localFairRate is defined as number of bytes per agingInterval. AgeCoef is used to smooth it. It is not in the unit
of it.



Fredrik Davik wrote:

> I am having troble interpreting the transformation of localFairRates
> to a rate that can be interpreted by other stations on the ringlet
> (normalized rate) and the way this is done in the draft
> Either I am having a bad day in office or else, something is wrong ;)
> Take a look below:
> localFairRate is specified in units of:
> 1.  localWeight * [bytes/(ageCoef * agingInterval)]
> 2.  normCoef = localWeight * rateCoef * ageCoef
> Where ageCoef and localWeight are per station/ringlet configured
> parameters and agingInterval is a global setting which depend on the
> link rate.
> The normalization process aims to distribute the rate information in a
> way that is not dependent on locally configured parameters, thus
> dividing 1.(localFairRate) above by 2. (normCoef) :
> We get :
> 3: ( localWeight * [bytes/(ageCoef * agingInterval)]) / (localWeight * rateCoef * ageCoef)
> 3. result when reorganized and simplified:
>    bytes / ( ageCoef * ageCoef * agingInterval * rateCoef)
> >From this I observe two things:
> a) The "normalized" value still contains the effect of the local
>    ageCoef parameter
> b) agingInterval is the same for all stations and could also be
>    removed from the expression by including it in normCoef:
> If normCoef is rewritten as:
> 4. normCoef = (localWeight * rateCoef)/ ( ageCoef * agingInterval)
> What we get when diving 1 by 4 is:
> 5. ( localWeight * [bytes/(ageCoef * agingInterval)]) / ((localWeight * rateCoef)/ ( ageCoef * agingInterval))
> 5. result when reorganized and simplified (this is the rate
>    distributed on the ring):
>   bytes/rateCoef
> When the normalized rate is received by another station, this is
> converted to a local rate by multiplying the normalized rate by
> normCoef (the modified one above) as before.
> Best Regards,
> Fredrik
> ---------------------------------------------
> Fredrik Davik
>                  Phone:       +47 67 82 83 88
>                  Mobil:       +47 45 24 91 88
>                  Fax:         +47 67 82 82 01
>                  Switchboard: +47 67 82 82 00
> mailto:bjornfd@xxxxxxxxx
> Simula Research Laboratory
> P.O.Box 134, Lysaker
> N-1325 Lysaker
> Norway