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[RPRWG] A simple problem on addrate

Title: Availability of Post-Meeting Resolutions for Comments against P802.17 D2.1
On page 173 the age update function.
At each ageinterval time, use the mac data path function to get addrate to calculate the lpaddrate.
But DON'T clear the addrate to zero for the next ageinterval to statistics addrate. So on the mac
datapath the counter maybe overflow. How to do it?
addRate = (addRate * (AGECOEF - 1)) / AGECOEF;
if do this calculate, can need use this age addrate update the mac datapath counter?
Maybe I don't understand the addRate,addRateCongested,fwRate,fwRateCongested,nrXmitRate.
I think there is five conter reside in the mac Datapath. Maybe they are 16bits or 32bits. If the mac
send bytes to the link it updates this counters.
So if the FU read these counters, does need the mac datapath to clearout the counter?
void agingIntervalUpdate ()
lpAddRate = ((LPCOEF-1) * lpAddRate + addRate) / LPOEF;
lpAddRateCongested = ((LPCOEF-1) * lpAddRateCongested + addRateCongested) / LPOEF;
lpFwRate = ((LPCOEF-1) * lpFwRate + fwRate) / LPOEF;
lpFwRateCongested = ((LPCOEF-1) * lpFwRateCongested + fwRateCongested) / LPOEF;
lpNrXmitRate ((LPCOEF-1) * lpNrXmitRate + nrXmitRate) / LPOEF;
normLpFwRateCongested = lpFwRateCongested / NORMCOEF;
addRate = (addRate * (AGECOEF - 1)) / AGECOEF;
addRateCongested = (addRateCongested * (AGECOEF - 1)) / AGECOEF;
fwRate = (fwRate * (AGECOEF - 1)) / AGECOEF;
fwRateCongested = (fwRateCongested * (AGECOEF - 1)) / AGECOEF;
nrXmitRate = (nrXmitRate * (AGECOEF - 1)) / AGECOEF;

Best Regards

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 1:37 AM
Subject: [RPRWG] Availability of Post-Meeting Resolutions for Comments against P802.17 D2.1

On behalf of the Chief-Editor and the WG Chair:

Availability of Post-Meeting Resolutions for Comments against P802.17 D2.1

Dear IEEE 802.17 Working Group Member:

This e-mail is to advise you of the availability, for review, of the
comments with WG-accepted resolutions against Draft P802.17/D2.1, as
approved at the recent 802.17 Plenary in Dallas/Fort Worth.

A copy of the comment database populated with the WG resolutions
can be found on our password-protected website:

To view the proposed resolutions, simply replace your existing
CommentaryData.USR file with the corresponding file as posted.
If you have already installed the CRD program and used it at
least once, you may simply double-click on the file.

If you should have any questions, problems or comments please
        Mike Takefman
        Chair, IEEE 802.17 Working Group
        Office: 613-254-3399 Fax: 613-254-3333
        Tom Alexander
        Chief Editor, IEEE 802.17 Working Group
        Office: 503-803-3534 Fax: 503-632-7621
Best Regards,

Mike Takefman
Chair, IEEE 802.17 Working Group
Office: 613-254-3399 Fax: 613-254-3333