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RE: [RPRWG] a problem about B-CIR

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jiang zhou [mailto:zjiang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 12:15 AM
> To: RPRWG (E-mail)
> Subject: [RPRWG] a problem about B-CIR
> Hi,ALL
>     I have two simple problem on the draft2.1.
>     If the client's traffic B-CIR enter the shaperB and B-EIR 
> enter the
> shperC. How to guarantee the class B traffic in shaperC has 
> high priority
> than class C in shapeC?

The way to think of it is that there is no buffering in
the MAC.  Therefore, if a packet is admitted from the 
client into the MAC, then it is for all practical purposes
on the medium.  When accepting a frame for tranmission
from the client, if there are any class B-CIR credits,
the frame will be marked as B-CIR, otherwise, if there
are class C credits, it gets marked as B-EIR.  If 
there are no credits in either shaper, the frame sit
in the client and sendB and sendC would be de-asserted.

>     The classA0 can be informationed to other stations by TLV 
> message on the
> ringlet. But how to information the B-CIR rate? If the other 
> station don't
> konw the each station B-CIR like the rateA0, how to guarantee 
> the allocated
> B-CIR for a station?

I believe the thinking is that that it gets handled at the 
network management level.  Passing it around in topology
may be useful, but it not required because knowing another
node's B-CIR doesn't affect the way the local node would 
operate.  On the other hand, a node's shaperD is affected
by rateA0 of the other nodes.
