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RE: [RPRWG] How much jitter can voice circuits tolerate?



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Takefman [mailto:tak@xxxxxxxxx]
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 12:30 PM
To: 802.17
Subject: Re: [RPRWG] How much jitter can voice circuits tolerate?





from the user's perspective delay and not jitter is

the major quality factor. Delay above a certain

point required echo cancellers or the echo can

be very disconcerting.


In TDME systems (like ATM for example), the device

converting packets or cells back into voice has a

de-jitter buffer to account for delay variation

in the network. The level of jitter is generally

much lower than the average delay that the packet

sees due to propogation. In any case, the worst

case jitter drives the size of the de-jitter buffer

and adds a fixed delay to the voice signal in

addition to the propogation delay.


I will try to find out some from of my old voice

buddies at what delay the echo-cancellers become

mandatory. Note: such cancellers are in all

of the networks anyway due to voice trunk delays

for longer distance conversations.


[Vinay Bannai] True. In US (and in Canada) because of the geographical distances, echo cancellers are required. However, in Europe they are not prevalent. One of the reasons for the compromised size of the ATM cell (48 bytes). :-)


The VOIP folks have far lax RTT requirements without echo cancellation equipment. It is somewhere in the range of 200-400ms.


However, the toll quality voice folks have this value between 6-20ms without using echo cancellation equipment.




> "Robert D. Love" wrote:


> One of the 802.17 objectives is the propagation of voice traffic.  Are there

> any hard requirements or guidelines as to how much jitter can be tolerated by

> the voice traffic without degrading the conversations?


> Any insights you can provide for this question would be appreciated.


> Thank you.


> Best regards,


> Robert D. Love

> President, LAN Connect Consultants

> 7105 Leveret Circle     Raleigh, NC 27615

> Phone: 919 848-6773       Mobile: 919 810-7816

> email: rdlove@xxxxxxxx          Fax: 208 978-1187



Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx

Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems

Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG

2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8

voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991