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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] 802 email]

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:37:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Luigi Napoli <lnapoli@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: l.napoli@xxxxxxxx
To: stds-802-sec@xxxxxxxx
cc: postoffice@xxxxxxxx, <m.persons@xxxxxxxx>, <g.santiago@xxxxxxxx>,
   spa-admin <spa-admin@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: 802 email 

Dear 802 Members,

We hope to address some of your concerns regarding the problems
encountered with 802 mailing lists.  As you are aware the mailing lists
and IEEE email aliases are administered by the IEEE central IT and not
the Standards Dept.  Bob LaBelle has met on several occassions with
central IT management regarding the problems.  Short-term and
long-term solutions have been proposed and will be implemented by 1 May
and 1 August, respectively.

The short-term solution is to establish a second dedicated server with
majordomo, sendmail, and SpamAssasin.  A number of the
mailing lists will be moved over to this second server to help
alleviate the mailing list delays.  Majordomo will operate as
usual with the same Majorcool web interface for maintenance.
is a rule based mail filter for identifying spam.  Any rejected mail
will be sent to the listowner for review.  Please be aware that spam is
ever evolving and the rule set of SpamAssassin will need
occassional modificatons.

The long-term solution is to setup new servers with LISTSERV and
SpamAssassin.  LISTSERV is a replacement for Majordomo and has been
described as having much better end-user features and interface.  The
faster servers should help alleviate delay problems.

Please note that this is specifically for mailing lists (reflectors) and
is not associated with the IEEE email aliases.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your patience.

Luigi Napoli
Sr. Systems Administrator
IEEE Standards Activities
PH: +1 732 562 3812; FX: +1 732 562 1571