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RE: [RPRWG] [Fwd: Ballot Reminder - your thoughts?]


My interpretation of voting APPROVE (with or without comments) on this draft
is that we are agree that the draft is complete (possibly with optional

It is important for us to realize that this draft is still far from

For instance, one important area that is clearly lacking is the
specification of the PICS Proforma. This crucial information will be the
basis for claiming conformance with the standard.

For example, Clause 5, Page 86 contains an editors note "This standards
draft shall not be considered to be complete until this PICS proforma is
complete. The editors estimate that the level of completeness of this PICS
proforma is 5%."  For Clause 6, Page 155 has a similar editor's note, except
the level of completeness is 10%.

And please look at the other PICS Proforma clauses as well.

Since the editors have explicitly stated that the present draft is
incomplete, and since an APPROVE vote on this draft would mean that we are
in agreement with the draft (as it is today) becoming the standard, we need
to vote DISAPPROVE to give the editors time to complete the draft, including
the PICS Proforma, based on comments received this time.

Because of the critical nature of the PICS Proforma, we must have a full 30
day review of the final PICS once it is completed, and not be forced to
review it in a short recirculation ballot cycle, IMHO. 

After the review period - PICS entries - like anything else new coming into
the draft - should be voted into the draft, one PICS entry at a time.

I also do not agree with the view that the PICS can be ignored until sponsor
ballot - they are too critical to be left till so late in the cycle.

Further, allowing ONLY changed portions of the draft to be commented
against, forces us away from the preferred method of improving the quality
of the draft overall - since only a subset can be improved. I agree we need
to do so according to the recirc process, but this means we should not
really be trying to be in recirculation until after the next meeting.

Therefore, if we are looking to progress the standard as quickly as
possible, we must DISAPPROVE this draft, which has been declared incomplete
by the editors, and to task the editors with completing the next draft
including all of the new PICS, have those voted in one by one by the WG, and
then to have that draft balloted prior to the next meeting.

Thank you.

Kshitij Kumar.
Director, System Architecture,
Lantern Communications.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Takefman [mailto:tak@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 1:20 PM
Subject: [RPRWG] [Fwd: Ballot Reminder - your thoughts?]


the ballot runs for approximately 1 more week, please 
remember to get your votes in. Failure to respond to 
ballots will result in loss of voting rights.

A reminder about process. 

A passing ballot does not imply that the draft will
be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot. The WG must vote to 
forward the draft for Sponsor Ballot. What a passing
ballot does is begin the recirculation process on
the draft. Once we are in recirculations, you may
only comment on changed portions of the draft or on
areas affected by a change elsewhere. Hence the process
begins to become bounded. As a WG, we should not forward
a draft for sponsor until we have reached the point where
improvements to the draft / concensus have been maximized.

Thus your approve vote can be interpreted as either a 
belief that it is time to start getting the draft
ready for sponsor ballot, or that you believe that it
is time to begin to recirculate. Both are equivalent.

In terms of voting approve with comments versus 
dissaprove with comments. If you fundamentally believe
that something is broken, then you may choose to vote
disapprove with comments. If you believe that something
is broken, but believe that you can work with your 
fellow RPRWGers to resolve the comments you can vote
approve with comments. There is risk in voting approve
with comments, in that if the comment is not resolved
to your satisfaction, but the ballot passed and the 
text is unchanged, then you are out of luck until the
draft comes back in sponsor (and you end up being a 
member of the sponsor group, which is not guaranteed).

Note: You may change your vote from approve to disapprove
during recirculations. All you have to do is comment on
a changed portion of text.

Should a recirculated ballot fail, we are back to commenting
on the entire draft (and the number advances to the next
major revision).



Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991