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[RPRWG] Comment resolution agenda - some indications


I'm in the process of drawing up the agenda for comment resolution
for the coming week. First, some statistics:

- there are a total of 791 comments
- 430 of these are technical
- 162 of the technicals are tech-binding
- the largest attractor of comments is the MAC section (approx 180
- the next largest is topology and protection (around 88 technicals)

Now, I estimate that about 130 or so of the technical comments are
easily resolved ("editorial binding"). This leaves us with around
300 comments that will take some time to resolve.

I also estimate that we will have about 50 track-hours of comment
resolution time (scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday, excluding
any Monday morning comment resolution). This works out to about
6 comments resolved per hour in each CRG, which is a reasonably
achievable pace given our performance in the past.

Hence, I do not plan to schedule any official Monday morning
comment resolution time. However, I would strongly recommend that
the MAC section editors, commenters and interested parties get
together Monday morning and try to go through as many of the
technical-binding comments as possible, so that they can get a
head start on the actual comment resolution tracks and not run
late into the night. Topology and protection is likewise
exhorted to do a bit of advance work.

The comments should be posted by our chair on the web site by
tonight or tomorrow morning. I will present a more detailed and
final schedule during the opening meeting.

Best regards,

- Tom Alexander
Chief Editor, P802.17