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[RPRWG] August Comment Resolution Interim Session 7 Days AWAY


Please remember that out August Interim Session for Comment
Resolution on D2.4 starts next week.

There is no session fee, but I would appreciate advanced
"registration" by replying to me and telling me if you
will be attending. Therefore I can plan for some
refreshments etc.

Dates: 		August 25,26,27
Time:		Seating begins at 8am through 8:30am
		Meeting starts promptly at 8:30am and ends at 6pm
		each day. If there is a real need for evening
		meetings we will play it by ear.

Location:	Cisco Systems
		Building 9
		260 East Tasman,
		San Jose  95134.

Rooms:		Cakebread and Kistler

Agenda:		Email me if you have agenda items, however
		all items must relate strictly to D2.4 comments

Hotels:		There is no official hotel to stay at however
		The Crowne Plaza Milpitas and Beverly Heritage Hotels
		are both quite close (5 mins drive). You can try
		to get the Cisco rate, but I can't promise it.

Networking:	There is a "public" LAN in the room that will provide
		you with internet access. Access to the Cisco LAN is
		of course prohibited.



Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991