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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] 802.15 PARs for consideration in Orlando]

If anyone cares let me know and we can invite them to
meet with us in Orlando.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [802SEC] 802.15 PARs for consideration in Orlando
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 15:32:15 -0500
From: Bob Heile <bheile@xxxxxxxx>
To: stds-802-sec@xxxxxxxx
CC: john.barr@xxxxxxxxxxxx, pat.kinney@xxxxxxxx, 
larry.taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Ed.Callaway@xxxxxxxxxxxx, 
james.d.allen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, <MarcoNaeve@xxxxxxxxx>, 

In keeping with the advance notification policy, 802.15 is requesting
approval of 4 PARs at the upcoming plenary in Orlando.  They are 
available at

1.)  802.15.3b addresses MAC corrections and clarifications for the 15.3 MAC
2.)  802.15.4a addresses an alternate PHY for 15.4 with the goal of adding
improved ranging capability, improved link margin (robustness and range),
and mobility
3.)  802.15.4b is a revision PAR to 15.4 which addresses a number of
issues, including adding the newly approved 860 Mhz bands in Europe to the
existing PHY, overall simplifications, as well as corrections and
enhancements based on a year's worth of market implementation experience.
4.)  802.15.5 is a PAR to develop a Recommended Practice for WPAN mesh

Bob Heile, Ph.D
Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Personal Area Networks
Chair, ZigBee Alliance
11 Louis Road
Attleboro, MA  02703   USA
Phone: 508-222-1393
Mobile: 781-929-4832
Fax:        508-222-0515
email:   bheile@xxxxxxxx

Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991