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[RPRWG] Opening of 802.17 WG Recirculation Ballot on P802.17a D1.1

Announcement of  Opening of 802.17 Working Group
     Recirculation Ballot and Comment Period

Dear IEEE 802.1 / 802.17 Working Group Member:

This e-mail is to advise you of the opening of the IEEE 802.17
Working Group Recirculation Ballot for IEEE P802.17a
(RPR Amendment to 802.1D), Draft 1.1, otherwise known as:

Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange 
between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks -
Common specifications Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges

The comment period opens on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 and
closes on Friday, 12 March 2004 at 10:00 AM Pacific time.

This is a recirculation ballot. If you do not want to change your
vote or submit a comment, then no response is necessary.

THIS IS AN 802.17 ELECTRONIC BALLOT. All valid ballots (votes on the 
document) that are submitted along with comments will be counted towards 
approval or disapproval of the draft. All properly submitted comments 
will be resolved during the March 2004 Plenary session in Orlando, FL. 
Please be sure and indicate your vote when submitting your comments via 
e-mail. Note that Disapprove votes MUST be accompanied by one or more 
Technically Binding comments, and vis versa.

A copy of this draft can be found on our password-protected website:

The draft is posted in Adobe "pdf" document format and can be viewed 
online, or downloaded and printed. You will need a copy of Adobe's 
Acrobat Reader (4.0 or higher) to view or print the draft. This software 
is available for free downloading from Adobe at:
The draft prints out as 4 paper pages. It is copyrighted by the IEEE and 
is for your review and balloting purposes only. It should not be copied 
or otherwise distributed.

The ballot/comment executable with instructions is available at:

Should you need a Macintosh copy, please contact me immediately.

The comment executable is designed for systems capable of running 
Windows or Macintosh based programs. Please read the comment 
instructions carefully.

Please submit ballots and comments (using the output of your comment 
executable) electronically to Mike Takefman at:

If you should have any questions, problems or comments please contact:
	Mike Takefman
	Chair, IEEE 802.17 Working Group
	Office: 613-254-3399 Fax: 613-254-3778


According to the IEEE-SA recirculation process official ballots will 
only be accepted from voting members of the 802.1 and 802.17 Working 
Groups who submitted ballots as part of D1.0 (you know who you are).

Comments are welcome from other reviewers. You should also be aware that 
Technical-Binding (TB) comments are not required to be tracked amongst 
non-Working Group members. If a TB is entered by a person who is not a 
Working Group member, and this person is not at attendance and readily 
available at the interim meeting to review the Working Group's response,
we will not obligate the editors or staff of 802.17 to track down the 
commenter and obtain the sign-off.

Best Regards,

Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991