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[RPRWG] Hotel Details: January Interim Session in Ottawa


For those of you coming to the Ottawa session here are
some details on hotel arrangements.

The Holiday Inn Select in Kanata has a Cisco rate of
$120 per night and is a 7 minute drive from our campus
and is walking distance to a large number of restaurants.
I am going to rent a mini-van to shuttle people from
the hotel to the campus and back again at night.

If you stay somewhere else, your transportation is your

In order to get the Cisco rate though, I have to book
your room for you. If you are interested in getting a
room, please send me an email and then leave me a
voice mail with your credit card details so I can
book the room.


Michael Takefman    
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991