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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] Guidance from PatCom on allowable presentation material]


not that we've had any issues with IPR, but here is continued
guidance from PATCOM on what we can discuss at meetings
(which is pretty much nothing :-)



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [802SEC] Guidance from PatCom on allowable presentation material
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 15:23:23 -0500
From: Paul Nikolich <paul.nikolich@ATT.NET>
Reply-To: Paul Nikolich <paul.nikolich@ATT.NET>

Dear EC Members,

Attached below is communication LMSC has received from PatCom as a
result of their deliberations on the '802.11n protest' with specific
guidance on presentation materials.  Carefully review the requirements
for what is allowable (and what is not) in terms of presentation
materials addressing intellectual property rights and licensing terms
and conditions.  Basically, the only thing a participant can
mention with respect to IPR is that there is a Letter of Assurance on
file.  Everything else is off limits.  Please make sure your WG/TAG
members comply with this policy interpretation.

If you have any questions, please contact the PatCom adminstrator, Dave
Ringle, .


--Paul Nikolich
Chairman, IEEE 802 LMSC

7 January 2005

Paul Nikolich,

At the December 2004 meeting of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent
Committee (PatCom), you led discussion on an agenda item titled 'Discussion
of P802.11n Protest'. You noted that some members of the P802.11n working
group requested a clarification of policy from PatCom regarding what would
be acceptable to discuss during a working group technical presentation,
regarding patent information/statements.

PatCom is charged with providing oversight for the use of patents and
patent information in IEEE Standards. PatCom is also charged with reviewing
patent information submitted to the IEEE Standards Department to determine
conformity with patent procedures and guidelines. As empowered by the
IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws, PatCom has reviewed the information
presented and rendered its decision by interpreting the policies and
procedures of the IEEE and the IEEE-SA relevant to the issues.

In regards to the presentation of information to a standards development
group, PatCom has decided the following:

1. After a patent letter of assurance (LoA) has been accepted by PatCom, it
is allowable for a presenter to state that an LoA has been filed by a
Patent Holder, accepted by PatCom, and listed in the online listing of LoAs

Anyone seeking a copy of the accepted LoA should contact the PatCom

2. Discussion of the content of accepted, submitted, or proposed LoAs is

3. Discussion of licensing terms and conditions is prohibited.

Ray Hapeman
PatCom Chair

David L. Ringle
Program Manager - Governance, Policy & Procedures
IEEE Standards Activities Department
445 Hoes Lane
P.O. Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ  08855-1331
TEL: +1 732 562 3806
FAX: +1 732 875 0524

---------- This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email
reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.

Michael Takefman    
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991