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[RPRWG] IEEE 802.17 Interim Session - Next Week


A reminder that the Interim session is next week.
I will be setting up some teleconference numbers, but
anyone who dials in will not receive attendance credit.
Numbers will be sent out on monday. The schedule though
will be strictly EST based as compared to our normal

For those people staying at the Holiday Inn hotel,
I will be picking you up at 8:30am on Tuesday.

The meeting will officially start at 9am on tuesday
and anyone driving themselves to Cisco should
go in the doors at 3000 Innovation Drive to get
a visitors badge.

In terms of presentations, I would like people to
think about the following topics (but not limited
to these), and I expect very interactive sessions
on these topics to flesh out details and issues.
In other words, the idea is to try to determine
what issues exist, and what sort of technical
(proposal) decisions have to be made in the future.



FDB Organization
FDB Operations

Interaction with RPR Protection
- spanning tree events
- wrapping
- steering
- intelligent pruning

Ringlet Selection and Flooding
- wrapping / steering / uni / bi
- strict / relaxed / permissive

Multicast scoping

Model for Host/Router doing SAS
- is it sitting on top of a pseudo-bridge ?


Michael Takefman    
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991