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Re: [RPRWG] Internal WG Review: Recharter of IP over Resilient Packet Rin gs (iporpr)

Title: RE: Internal WG Review: Recharter of IP over Resilient Packet Rings (iporpr)


The IETF IPORPR WG is being rechartered and the revised charter text is currently being reviewed by the IETF management.


-----Original Message-----
From: IESG Secretary
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:06 PM
Subject: Internal WG Review: Recharter of IP over Resilient Packet Rings (iporpr)

A new charter for the  IP over Resilient Packet Rings (iporpr) working
group in the Internet Area of the IETF is being considered. The draft
charter is provided below for your review and comment.

Review time is one week.
The IETF Secretariat


IP over Resilient Packet Rings (iporpr)

Last Modified: 2005-3-10

Current Status: Active Working Group

Frank Kastenholz <>
Glenn Parsons <>

Internet Area Director(s):
"W. Mark Townsley" <>
Margaret Wasserman <>

Internet Area Advisor:
"W. Mark Townsley" <>

Mailing Lists:
General Discussion:
To Subscribe:
In Body: subscribe iporpr

Description of Working Group:

Resilient Packet Rings (RPR), developed within the IEEE 802.17 RPR WG, provides substantial enhancements in both efficiency and flexibility over current bi-directional ring topologies. Benefits of resilient packet rings include spatial re-use (full utilization of both counter-rotating rings) while maintaining protection switching during media faults, as well as defined mechanisms for topology discovery, congestion control, and protection switching. Reference the IEEE 802.17 RPR WG at for further information. IEEE 802.17-2004 is currently published and work is in progress on bridging enhancements.

The IPORPR Working Group will produce two documents:

1) An IPORPR Framework that describes some of the features and characteristics of 802.17 RPR, and how they might be exploited by, e.g., IP or MPLS. For example, an RPR ring can be accessed in a number of ways: it can be viewed as a "dumb" LAN supporting traditional broadcast a la Ethernet (called "basic mode"), or its advanced features could be exploited.

2) An IPORPR definition of how to transport IP over 802.17 RPR in "basic mode". This document will cover encapsulation formats (e.g., IPv4/IPv6), how to perform address resolution (e.g., ARP/ND), IP multicast transmission, priority mapping to the RPR "serviceClass", etc.

There are no formal liaisons between the IPORPR working group and other standards bodies. However, cross participation is encouraged in the key RPR activities in these standards bodies:

- IEEE 802.17 (

- ITU-T SG15 Q9 (

Goals and Milestones:
Apr 05    Publish updated draft Core IP-over-RPR specification
May 05    Publish updated draft IP-over-802.17 Framework document.
Jul 05    Submit Core protocol to the IESG for Proposed Standard Status.
Aug 05    Submit Framework to the IESG for Informational Status.