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[RPRWG] Straw Poll on October Interim Session 18th/19th in Boston


at the last plenary session and motion was passed to hold an
interim session in october (assuming that the ballot on
802.17b D1.0 passed and we were in recirculation).
Furthermore, the decision was to hold the session in
the Boston area.

I have three potential sites:

1) Cisco Boxborough (west/northwest of the city on 495)
2) Lucent Westford (an exit or two north/east of Boxborough on 495)
3) Cisco Boston Sales Office (downtown Boston, close to Logan).
(1 Boston Place, if you want to check

I'd like to take a straw poll of people planning to attend to
see which site is most appealing. (And to make sure we fit).
Please respond if you will attend and which location is preferred.

In cases 2) and 3) internet access is available onsite. and its
likely available in 1) but I don't have that confirmed yet.

In the case of the Boston Sales Office, it will allow us to
work later on the 2nd day of the session since the
airport is so much closer. It may even allow people to
red-eye in on the 18th, rather then travel on the 17th.

Please respond ASAP.


Michael Takefman    
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991