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[RPRWG] FW: [WGCS:] Fw: New Proposals Regarding IEEE PatCom Revisions


New stuff coming down the Patcom pipe.
Your company patent / lawyer types might care.




Michael Takefman    
Distinguished Engineer,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
3000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       cell:613-220-6991
-----Original Message-----
From: David Ringle [mailto:d.ringle@IEEE.ORG] 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 5:03 PM
Subject: [WGCS:] Fw: New Proposals Regarding IEEE PatCom Revisions


----- Forwarded by David Ringle/STDS/STAFF/US/IEEE on 12/01/2005 05:01

             "Topp, Claire"


             Sent by:               ",


             EE.ORG       ," <s.adam@IEEE.ORG>,

                                    >, ",


             12/01/2005             <>, >,

             10:38 AM               ",


                                    <bob.grow@IEEE.ORG>, >,



                                    <>, >,



                                    <>, >,


                                    <>, >


                                    <j.gorman@IEEE.ORG>, "Lindsay,

                                    New Proposals Regarding IEEE PatCom









I wanted to give you a heads up that the materials for the upcoming
PatCom meeting on Monday December 5 are available on the IEEE website in
the .zip file linked to item 5.3 at  I know that this
doesn't give you a lot of time to review the proposed changes but not
suprisingly, it took a while to get PatCom's initial feedback regarding
the proposed language. I would use the summary document and link to the
referenced documents (although you will have to separately save the
documents to be able to make the link work).

We tried to take in the feedback from all of you who attended the
September PatCom meeting regarding the impact such proposed changes
would have on industry's participation in IEEE's standard setting
activities while balancing the IEEE's mission to benefit the public by
achieving widespread
adoption of its standards.   Among other things, you will note the

1)       Several  of  you  suggested that the LOA may not be an
contract.  We  have  revised  the  LOA  to  make it more clear that it
is a
contract.  Both IEEE and the Patent Holder sign the agreement.   The
signing  the  LOA  represents  that such person has the ability to bind
the Patent  Holder.  We  have  reviewed  New  York law regarding
enforcement of contracts  by  third  party  beneficiaries  and  have
revised  the  LOA in compliance with such law to expressly state that
all users and implementers of  the IEEE Standard are intended third
party beneficiaries with the right to  enforce its terms. Frankly, if
the LOA weren't an enforceable contract, there would be little value to
having an LOA.

2)       Several  of  you  raised  concerns about having the LOA binding
successors and assigns, particularly in the case of a blanket LOA.  We
have recognized  the  difficulty  of  making such a representation and
have only required  such  a  representation  where  the Patent Holder
has disclosed a
particular  patent/patent  application  on  the  LOA.   We explored
there  was  a  way  to have the LOA run with patent so it was
automatically transferred  when  the  patent was transferred and decided
that we have the best  arguments  that a purchaser of a patent covered
by an LOA is bound to the  terms  of  the  LOA if they are on notice
regarding the LOA, including blanket  LOAs.  We  also believe the IEEE
should be notified if a patent is transferred  which  may  be covered by
an LOA so that we can follow up with the assignee to get a subsequent
LOA if necessary. So, we required that the Patent  Holder provide a copy
of the LOA to an assignee and notify the IEEE of any transfer.

3)       Several  of  you  raised  concerns  about  having the LOA apply
parents  and other affiliates.  In the spirit of disclosure and
recognizing the  constraints that some companys may have regarding
having the LOA apply to  parents and other affiliates, we gave the
Patent Holder the opportunity to  disclose  whether  or not the
licensing statements apply to its parents and other  affiliates.  We are
also interested in whether the Patent Holder has  knowledge  about
whether an affiliate has an essential patent and have given  the  Patent
Holder the opportunity to let us know whether they have any  knowledge
and the contact information of a person at the affiliate who we could

4)      Several of you raised concerns about having the LOA,
one with a blanket licensing statement, apply to Amendments -- you
equated it to writing a blank check.  We have recognized the concern and
have indicated that the LOA applies to any essential patents that relate
to technology incorporated from the Standard into the Amendment.  Any
new technology introduced in the Amendment would require a new LOA.
Similarly, any LOA executed for an Amendment shall apply to the Standard
when restated for any technology that is he subject of the underlying

5)      Many of you had concerns about ex ante disclosures, particularly
such a disclosure is required.  We have proposed that such disclosure be
optional.  I know several of you continue to have concerns about
optional disclosure and I'm sure we will have a lively conversation
about the topic on Monday.

I'm very interested in any thoughts you might be able to get to me in
advance of the meeting if you are able.  Otherwise, I look forward to
seeing many of you on Monday.  Safe travels.


Claire H. Topp, Esq.
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
50 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
(612)343-8278 (phone)
(612)340-2868 (facsimile)