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Formation of a Study Group in 802.18 on "Unlicensed Use of Unused TV Broadcast Spectrum"

At our recent plenary in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the 802.18 RR-TAG discussed, and approved
a motion to form a Study Group (802.18-SG1) to address sharing of unused TV broadcast spectrum
by unlicensed devices, to develop a PAR and 5 criteria, and in the course of its study to develop
and provide information useful to 802.18 in preparing a Petition for Rulemaking for submission to the
FCC on this subject.  At its closing meeting, the IEEE 802 Executive Committee also approved
the formation of this Study Group.

This subject (unlicensed sharing of unused TV spectrum) is something that the FCC has shown
great interest in over the past year and we have previously filed comments/reply comments in a
NOI and are filing further comments on the matter in a current NPRM proceeding where the FCC
again took the opportunity to ask about the subject.  

The ultimate intent is to be more proactive in seeking access to this spectrum and to make a
best effort to determine how it could be put to its "best and highest use" considering the unique
nature of the spectrum and the requirements for what I characterize as "cognitive radio light" in
order to successfully and reliably share on an non-interference basis with the incumbent primary
user, TV broadcasting.

The intention is to review the Study Group's progress at the March 2004 IEEE 802 plenary and
determine at that point if an extension is warranted.

Since this is a new group, I will serve as interim chair until we see if we get enough critical
mass and the group will exist long enough to warrant formal elections of officers.

Let's get some discussion going - this is WG neutral and everyone can have a voice.

Based on how many people join the e-mail reflector and how discussion goes, I would
hope to schedule a couple of evening meetings of the Study Group for our interim
meeting in Vancouver ... evening sessions so as not to impede 802.18's normal work
and also to make it easier for folks with committments in other WGs to participate
more easily.

An e-mail reflector has been established for the Study Group.

Those who would be interested in participating in the study group may subscribe to the e-mail
reflector by sending a message to:

with a blank subject line and a single command line in the BODY of the message

subscribe stds-802-18-sg1 <your_e-mail_address>

This will be a controlled access list.  After you have sent the original subscription request,
the majordomo system will send a confirmation/authentication message to the address
you attempted to subscribe (you should use a real e-mail address, not an alias, if possible).
The confirmation/authentication message will contain instructions and another command for
you to cut and paste into the body of another message to the majordomo system.

Once past this confirmation/authentication process, I will receive an approval request, which
I will process ASAP.  Then you should get a message welcoming you to the list.

Messages from the list will have [802-18-SG1] appended to their subject line for easy identification.

I hope that these instructions are clear, but if anyone has problems after giving it a good try,
you can e-mail me and I'll help you sort it out.

Carl R. Stevenson
Chair, IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group
610-965-8799 (home office)
610-712-3217 (fax mailbox)
610-570-6168 (cellphone)
Short Message Service:

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