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FW: [802.15_MEMBERS] IEEE 802.15 Letter Ballot #32 Begins Today

802.19 TAG Members,


            This is just a heads-up that 802.15 is considering sending the 802.15.4b draft to sponsor ballot.  I have been working with some of the members of the task group and it looks like they will have a draft CA document that we can review at the November meeting.  I will sent the TG leaders an email checking on this and their intent to sent the CA document with the sponsor ballot material.




From: Rick Alfvin []
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:40 PM
Subject: [802.15_MEMBERS] IEEE 802.15 Letter Ballot #32 Begins Today


With this email, 802.15 is officially beginning Letter Ballot #32, which is a vote to submit the contents of document IEEE P802-15-4b/D3 [d3P802-15-4b_Draft_Standard.pdf] to Sponsor Ballot .
This Ballot opens today, Sunday, October 30, 2005 and will close on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 2300 AoE* (Anywhere on Earth).

All necessary documents are available on:
This is a recirculation ballot so the rules are slightly different than for regular letter ballots.

Only those who were voters of record on Letter Ballot 28 can vote on this letter ballot.  A copy of the voting list for Letter Ballot 28 is in the LB32 area (

For those voters on the ballot pool list:

1. If you already voted "Yes" on the subject or you changed your vote from "No" to "Yes" on a previous letter ballot or changed your vote in writing:

i.  You do not need to vote again unless you want to (your vote carries to LB32).

ii. You may submit a "No" vote, but only based on text that was changed after you voted "Yes" or text that was impacted by text that was changed after you voted "Yes". A NO vote may also be supported by disagreement with the resolution of comments submitted on ballot 28.

2. If you already voted "No", and your comments were not resolved, you are kindly requested to analyze the revised draft

i.  Vote "Yes" if all your concerns are solved,

ii. Otherwise, vote "No" again and REPEAT the comments that were not solved to your consent, indicating why the group's rebuttal is not acceptable to you. You may add additional comment constituting a "No" vote, but only based on text that was changed or text that was impacted by text that was changed.  A NO vote may also be supported by disagreement with the resolution of comments submitted on ballot 28.

3. If you did not vote or you abstained on a previous letter ballot, you may vote this time with a valid vote or abstain again with a valid reason.

Please vote YES, NO, or ABSTAIN via return e-mail.

Comments will be considered from all members of 802.15 although only voting members will count in the ballot tally.
Please respond no later than: Monday, November 14, 2005,  2300 PM AoE*. (*Anywhere on Earth)

Return ballot by e-mail to:

Subject: LB32-[your last name]-[your first name]-[your vote]


IMPORTANT--     If you do not complete the subject field in the prescribed format your ballot will be discarded and considered as a "no response" until correctly submitted.

If your response is not acknowledged within 2 business day please resend.

Remember, if you are voting no, you must submit comments

If you have any questions, please contact Bob, Rob, Monique, Marco, or myself.

Rick Alfvin
Vice Chair IEEE 802.15
+1 585.781.0952