[802.19] FW: [WGCS:] Attention Chairs: Disclosure of Affiliation process
Going forward people will need to declare their affiliation at 802.19
TAG meetings.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sherry Hampton [mailto:S.Hampton@ieee.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:21 PM
To: STDS-WG-CHAIRS@listserv.ieee.org
Subject: [WGCS:] Attention Chairs: Disclosure of Affiliation process
This message is being sent on behalf of Christina Sahr (c.sahr@ieee.org)
March 28, 2007
* ATTENTION Chairs! Important message about the Disclosure of
process; please help spread the news :
During 2006, the IEEE-SA Board of Governors and the IEEE-SA Standards
Board recognized that making visible those interests that are funding
participation in Working Groups and Sponsor ballots would improve
transparency and openness in IEEE-SA standards development. In December
2006, changes to the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws and the IEEE-SA
Standards Board Operations Manual were approved to make the Declaration
Employer and Affiliation mandatory in various IEEE-SA activities. In
support of this requirement, myProject is collecting Declaration of
Employer at the personal level (via myInfo) and Declaration of
at both the project and Sponsor ballot levels (via the Technical
Area selection process).
The Declaration of Employer at the personal level was implemented in
February and those who have logged into myProject since then have been
directed to provide their Employer as a mandatory field within their
contact information before being allowed to go further into the system.
Effective 2 April 2007, the same direction apply for Declaration of
Affiliation at the Sponsor, Working Group, and Project levels.
A complete set of FAQs (definitions of Employer and Affiliation; what
be done with the information; the consequences of not providing
information or of providing erroneous data; etc.) is also available.