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[802.19] Explanation to page 13 figure(s)


The question was that why there is an abrupt change in missed detection curve of statistical method at a certain network separation?

- At each distance a CDF is calculated and 90% confidence value is chosen to represent the highest interference level from one network to another one. This value increases monotonically when the distance between the networks decreases.
- There has been defined a threshold interference value above which two networks are neighbors and below which they are not neighbors.
- For statistical method (as well as for other two methods) there is an abrupt change in neighborhood: before a certain distance decision made by a method gives no neighbor result and after that always a neighbor result.
- This result at each distance is compared to 5000 "true" TVBD location cases. For each case a decision is made that are the networks neighbors or not. At long separation distances all cases give always a result "no neighbor" and at quite short distances all cases give always a result " neighbor" and between those decision distribution changes depending on separation in such a way that when coming closer the number of "no neighbor" cases is decreasing.

Now to figure in page 13:
- because there was only one randomly located TVBD in both networks in each case when generating CDF, a 90% confidence value is clearly too low at certain distances compared to all cases when there are 20 randomly located TVBDs in both networks and the shortest distance is looked for. That's why the missed detection rate is approaching 100%. Now at a certain distance there is an abrupt change in neighborhood decision of statistical method. That causes an abrupt change in missed detection rate. Without that the missed detection rate would have reached 100% and stayed there (no abrupt change in statistical method).
