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[802.19] FW: [STDS-802-18] Call for comments on the prepared IEEE 802 Wireless Standards Table of Frequency Ranges spreadsheet

Also, a friendly reminder for 802.19 participants.





From: Edward Au <>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 4:21 AM
To: STDS-802-18@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-18] Call for comments on the prepared IEEE 802 Wireless Standards Table of Frequency Ranges spreadsheet


WARNING: This email originated from outside of Qualcomm. Please be wary of any links or attachments, and do not enable macros.

Dear 802.18 members,


Friendly reminder.   



On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 7:38 PM Edward Au <> wrote:

Dear 802.18 members,


You are invited to review and submit comments on the IEEE 802 Wireless Standards Table of Frequency Ranges, available here: . 


Additional background on the table and the comment collection, and the rationale for generation is below.


Please use the custom comment spreadsheet for submitting comments, available at:


Please send your comments by APRIL 30, 2022 directly to Edward Au (, Jay Holcomb (jholcomb@xxxxxxxx), and Steve Shellhammer (shellhamer@xxxxxxxx).


This is not a required 802.18 ballot or comment collection; response/non-response has no impact on 802.18 voting rights.


Please let me know of any questions. I appreciate your review of this spreadsheet to confirm that it accurately reflects the 802 wireless standards.









Original problem statement

•       It is difficult for 802 wireless standards developers to quickly and accurately identify all the frequency bands by the family of 802 wireless standards in a regularly maintained database.

•       The primary application is to simplify identification of potential frequency bands for coexistence assessment.

•       Key: keep simple to start, there are many things that can be added over time after that.


IEEE 802.18 and 802.19 have been developing a spreadsheet of IEEE 802 wireless standards and the frequency ranges in which the standards define operation.  The document is referred to as the “IEEE 802 Wireless Standards Table of Frequency Ranges.”  (  The next phase of development of this spreadsheet is to have it reviewed by members of the 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19 and 802.24 working groups.


This will be the first release of the spreadsheet, after comment resolution.


There are multiple sheets within the spreadsheet:

·           0: Title

·         10: Standards-Frequency-Ranges (detailed list of frequency bands and standards)

·         20: Light-Ranges (for optical standards)

·         30: Freq-Ranges-Other-Info (For example, industry labels for the frequency bands)

·         40: Instructions (Description on how to update this spreadsheet)

·         50: Notes (For example, future uses of this Frequency Table document)


If you identify any errors in the document or any missing information, then your comments are highly appreciated.


Comment Instructions

Since this is not a draft standard, the comment spreadsheet is a different format.  Instead of identifying the page and line numbers you are asked to identify the following items:

·         The sheet number

·         The index number (as shown in Column A)

·         The column letter, together with the

·         Comment and

·         Recommended change 


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