Dear 802.18 and 802.15 members,
cc 802.11 and 802.19 members,
On 27 September 2023, India TRAI began a consultation that sought public opinion on allowing selected THz bands for license-exempt operations. See:
As referred to the paper, the following questions may be of interest to you:
Question 1:
Whether there is a need for permitting license-exempt operations in
116-123 GHz, 174.8-182 GHz, 185-190 GHz, and 244-246 GHz
frequency ranges? Please provide a detailed response with
Question 2:
In case it is decided to permit license-exempt operations in 116-123
GHz, 174.8-182 GHz, 185-190 GHz, and 244-246 GHz frequency
ranges, what should be the terms and conditions including technical
parameters for permitting license-exempt operations in these bands,
while protecting both passive and active services in and around these
frequency ranges? Please provide a detailed response with
Question 3:
Whether there is a need for permitting license-exempt operations in
any other bands in the 95 GHz to 3 THz frequency range? Please
provide a detailed response with justification.
Question 8:
Whether there are any other issues or inputs in respect of the
frequency spectrum in Tera Hertz bands? If yes, please provide
detailed comments with justification.
The comment submission deadline is Wednesday, 25 October 2023. If you would like IEEE 802 LMSC to submit a comment, please prepare a contribution and bring it to IEEE 802.18 for discussion and approval no later than 3pm ET, 12 October 2023.
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