Benjamin A. Rolfe
Blind Creek Associates
+1 408 332 0725 (Mobile)
+1 408 395 7207 (Office)

From: Shoichi Kitazawa <kitazawa@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2024 2:53 AM
To: STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <STDS-802-19@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [802.19] 802.19.3a meeting in January wireless interim
Hi, Ben
I'd like to present 1 technical contribution.
"900MHz Radio Environment Measurement Results in the Tokyo Area"
Few years ago,I measured 900MHz band at Tokyo Metropolitan area.
More detail will be presented when the SG starts.
On 2023/12/22 7:28, Benjamin Rolfe wrote:
Hi All that are interested in (good) coexistence!
The PAR for 802.19.3a is on the agenda for NESCOM on January 31st, after our interim session, so we will meet as a study group during the 802.19 WG plenary meeting PM3 Monday 15-January.
The SG agenda will include (quick) update on the PAR progress, and discussion of moving forward.
If you have technical contributions to share related to 802.15.4 and 802.11 coexistence that are relevant to the scope of 802.19.3a, please let me know. All contributions are welcomed!
Thanks all!
Ben (SG Chair)
Benjamin A. Rolfe
Blind Creek Associates
+1 408 332 0725 (Mobile)
+1 408 395 7207 (Office)

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Muroran Institute of Technology
Shoichi Kitazawa
27-1 Mizumoto, Muroran, Hokkaido, 050-8585, JAPAN
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