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[802.19] Fwd: [802SEC] Call for nominations for Hans Karlson Standards Award and IEEE Fellows for standards

Dear all,

Below email is from James Gilb our  IEEE 802 LMSC Chair.

Dear WG and TAG chairs

Please pass this on to your groups.

1) The application deadline of the Hans Karlsson Standards Award is 1
October 2024.  Previous awardees from 802 include: Adrian Stephens,
David Law, Arthur Astrin, and Victor Hayes.  Three endorsements are
required.  I encourage any interested individual to apply for this
prestigious award.

2) IEEE Fellow membership level can now be obtained for work in
standards.  The IEEE Fellow Committee's made a very informative
presentation to the Computer Society Standards Activities Board, which
is available at


James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair

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