IEEE P802.19 CA/D0 TAG COMMENT TOOL October 2005 COMMENT RESPONSE: Please respond no later than: Friday, November 11, 2005, 23:00 EST (UTC -05:00) Return ballot by e-mail to: To: sshellha@QUALCOMM.COM cc:; Subject: CA-lastname PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO FORMAT YOUR RESPONSE STEP 1. Format the SUBJECT line of your email response to read: CA-your last name (e.g., CA-Shellhammer) STEP 2. If you have comments to submit, please continue. If you have no comments, you are done. COMMENT INFORMATION: MULTIPLE COMMENTS CAN BE SUBMITTED IN ONE ASCII TEXT FILE OR E-MAIL. PLEASE USE THE FORMAT ITERATIVELY BELOW. Acceptable comment types: E = Editorial T = Technical TR = Technical Required ----Cut & Paste the follwing COMMENT TEXT into the body of your reply for EACH comment you submit.---- CommenterName: CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: CommenterCellPhone: CommenterCompany: Clause: Subclause: Page: Line: CommentType (E, T or TR): Comment: CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: RemedyEnd: ----END of COMMENT TEXT----Do Not Paste This Line----