stds-80220-ch-models: TFC: Scope of traffic modeling sub-group
Please note Glenn's submission guidelines
in the Welcome (4th msg in archive).
- use TFC: prefix in subject for traffic model msg
- use plain text mode
- etc..
There was a question about the scope of the group.
Here is my current thinking, and we will refine it
as we go along.
The objective of the traffic model subgroup is to
develop a consensus regarding traffic models
applicable to MBWA systems. This will be
described in a recommendation document.
These models are meant to be used in a computer
simulation to evaluate a MBWA system.
This work will typically take the
form of specifying user-level statistical
models that can be used to generate packets
to be transported between clients/servers/users.
There will be different models for applications like
Web, e-mail, FTP, VoIP etc. I expect that we will
address some newer applications which
have received relatively less attention in the
traffic modeling literature (such as
streaming audio), as well as adaptive features
of applications (rate adaption in VoIP or
streaming audio). The context is to come up
with the specifications for all the applications that
should really be considered when
studying/evaluating/developing a MBWA system.
I also expect that we will discuss
typical scenarios involving user types & device types.
These will guide the choice & modeling
of applications. In a scenario involving
multi-media users or a population of
different types of users, there would be a mix
of such traffic types. When it comes to the
topic of a recommended mix of traffic types,
I expect there to be an overlap with the other groups
since the choice of the mix of user types
will stress/test different aspects of an
MBWA system (e.g. sustained throughput vs. response times),
and one would be implicitly weighting the
requirements/evaluation criteria of the MBWA
system when specifying the mix of traffic types.
- N. K. Shankar
From: Khaled Amer (AmerNet) []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:21 PM
Subject: stds-80220-ch-models: Traffic modeling sub-group: Call for
interested parties
Related to the formation of this subgroup, I'd like to ask if this group
will also address performance related issues that would probably require
modeling. Things like QoS architectures, priorities, scheduling, flow
control (if needed), ...etc.
I'd also like to respond to the 'call for interested parties' by
expressing my interest.
I've been chairman of the performance committee in 802.17 (and hope be
able to provide some help based on that).
Khaled Amer
President, AmerNet Inc.
Computer Networks and Communication Systems
Architecture Analysis and Performance Modeling Specialists
Address: 13711 Solitaire Way, Irvine, CA 92620
Phone: (949)552-1114
Fax: (949)552-1116
cell: (949)510-5788