stds-80220-ch-models: Conference Call on MBWA Channel Models
To: MBWA Channel Model Subgroup
I have scheduled a conference call to continue our discussion on MBWA Channel Models. The details are:
Date: August 5, 2003
Time: 2:00-3:00 PM EDT
Dial-in details:
USA: (888) 685-4814
International: (706) 643-3986
Passcode: 392441
[Thanks to Motorola for providing the teleconference bridge.]
Draft Agenda:
1) Relationship between MIMO and SIMO/MISO/SISO models;
2) Inclusion of outdoor-to-indoor models into the channel model set;
3) Effects of channel characteristics (e.g., max tolerable delay spread) on PHY layer parameters
for the scenarios in the requirements document.
Best regards,
Qiang Guo