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stds-80220-requirements: 802.20 Requirements: Handoff Text

Attached is some text for the requirements document on handoff (802.20 to 
802.20).  These sections were deleted because there was no contributed 
requirement in this area.  This text probably belongs in section 4.4 since 
it is in support of MAC-Level Handoff.  I call it 4.4.2 below.

To support high speed mobility, handoff support below the IP layer is 
essential to an efficiently operating air interface.  For example, at 250 
km/hr, assuming 1km cell radius as a nominal size, a mobile station could 
be in handoff processing at rates up to several handoffs per minute.  This 
handoff rate will be difficult to support well at the IP layer, given IP 
network delays, and the messaging overhead of current network layer 
mobility solutions.

Proposed to include the following:

4.4.2 MAC Layer Handoff

The Air Interface shall include handoff support below the IP 
layer.  Handoff mechanisms defined shall insure the uninterrupted flow of 
data to and from the Mobile Station at rates up to 6 handoffs per minute.


		James D. Tomcik
		QUALCOMM, Incorporated
		(858) 658-3231 (Voice)
		(619) 890-9537 (Cellular)
		From:  San Diego, CA
		PGP: 5D0F 93A6 E99D 39D8 B024  0A9B 6361 ACE9 202C C780