WG Chair: WG Vice Chairs: WG Secretary:
Web Master:
Proposed Detail Agenda for IEEE
Proposed Detail
Agenda – September Interim –
Joint Opening 802.11/15/18/19/20/21 |
Opening Session of |
Criteria & Traffic Models: -
Evaluation of Proposals with adjacent channel interference considerations
(Anna Tee) - Proposed Text for
Eval. Criteria Doc. – RF Performance issues (Dan Gal) |
Criteria & Traffic Models: -
Link-system interface simulations methodologies (Anna Tee from July) - Models for Signal Clipping in Evaluation of MBWA (David
Huo) - Simplified Space Channel Model for System Evaluation in MBWA (David Huo from July) - 1 proposed text for evaluation criteria document - RF performance issues (Dan Gal) |
8:00am – 8:30am 8:30am – 10:00am 10:30am –
11:30am |
Technology Selection Process Evaluation Criteria - Ad Hocs optional |
- Liaison Plan Update (Eshwar Pittampalli from July) Evaluation Criteria & Traffic Models: -
Closure Process for Nov. Plenary |
8:00am -
9:00am |
Models Simulations (Qiang Guo from July) |
- 802 Social Reception |
Evaluation Criteria & Traffic Models: |
Evaluation Criteria & Channel Models Closure Process |
Local Web Access during the IEEE 802.20 Interim Meeting |
Bookmark the following URL to access the Mirror Website: http://neptune/mbwa/index.html |
To submit documents map the following directory as network drive: //neptune/mbwa-subm |
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