Second requirements ad hoc teleconference June 29 10 AM EST
Hi Everyone,
IEEE 802.21 conf call info:
Toll Numbers: USA 1-210-280-7160
Participant Passcode: 313495
Here is the schedule:
June 29 10-11AM EST
July 13 Portland Meeting Tuesday 9AM.
Thank you for being respectful of everyone's turn speaking. Also, for being tolerant
of conference call requirements and speaking more loudly, distinctly, etc.
The doc is on our website:
Minutes for last time is in:
The agenda for June 29:
1) Accept/reject/add major paragraph topics in section 3
3) Confirm that the bullets in Section 4 are sufficient or add more
If you'd like, please submit more bullets to this list, before the meeting.
4) Accept / submit material for Sections 5.1 & 5.2.
The idea is to remain high level on agenda items 1).
Best Regards,
Michael Williams
IEEE 802.21 Vice Chair
Dong-Jye Shyy
Cheng Hong
Dave Hetherington
Vivek G. Gupta
Eric Njedjou
Alistair Buttar
Alan Carlton
Dave McGinniss
John Humbert
Yogesh Bhatt
Peretz Feder
Robert D. Love
Stefano Faccin
Xiaoyu Liu
Mani Mahalingam
Soohong Daniel Park
Reijo Salminen
Masahiro Kuroda
Sanjeev Athalye
Michael Williams