Sept 2005 session contributions deadline
As usual the deadline for submissions is approaching. Typically, we have
the deadline a week before an Interim/Plenary session. However,
considering that we have Labor day weekend coming, the deadline for the
September contributions/comments is Sept. 14, 2005, midnight EST.
As was discussed during the July meeting, we would use "Commentary"
software. This was written by Roger Marks and is used by IEEE 802.16 WG
for comment resolution of their drafts.
The software can be downloaded from the 802.21 website from the
following location:
One can download the zip file and install the s/w on their machine. A
help file is also available at the same location. Hopefully, the initial
familiarization step with the tool would not be too long and it should
be fairly easy to use the tool.
All contributions should be in the form of a FileMaker file with
extension ".USR" with the file name format as
D00-02_Lastname_Firstname.USR. This can be done from within the
Commentary s/w with option "Create and Submit Ballot".
If there is an additional contribution that needs to be attached as a
doc file to support the comments in the .USR file then please send that
as an additional file along with the .USR file. For this additional file
you should get a DCN# in advance by sending an email to the Chair.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Best Regards,
Ajay Rajkumar
Chair, IEEE 802.21 WG