FW: [Capwap] Issue 161: Ther term "Mobile" is not really accurate
Here is the discussion on the term for the mobile node from CAPWAP.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: ext Pat Calhoun (pacalhou) [mailto:pcalhoun@cisco.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 5:57 PM
To: Capwap@frascone.com
Subject: Re: [Capwap] Issue 161: Ther term "Mobile" is not really
We've had many suggested terms to replace "mobile", but none of them
appeared to have concensus. I'd like to restart the discussion, but
include a comprehensive list of all terms and see what folks think. It
would be useful if folks did express an opinion on this one to help
gauge consensus.
First, the options that seemed to have the most traction:
Mobile Node (In addition to the above issue, this term implies support
for Mobile IP's client side support)
Mobile Unit (one more variant of the same)
Second, the list of "others":
Station (some feel this is too 802.11 centric)
Mobile (a wireless device is not necessarily mobile)
Mobile Device (has the mobile issue, but no references to Mobile IP)
Mobile Host (similar to Mobile Device)
Accessor (A device that is accessing the network infrastructure)
Wireless End Device (captures the essential nature of the end device)
Mobile Station (Same as Mobile Host, IMHO)
Mobile Equipment (Same as Mobile Device, IMHO)
User Equipment
End Device
What is your preference?
Pat Calhoun
CTO, Wireless Networking Business Unit
Cisco Systems
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