ODTONE - An open source MIHF implementation
Dear all,
ODTONE (Open Dot Twenty One) is an open-source multi-platform MIHF
implementation project.
Although the software is not yet entirely complete, due to popular
demand we have released an alpha version of the code of our ODTONE MIHF
implementation. Alongside the ODTONE MIHF, we also provide a sample
MIH_USER and Linux 802.11 LINK_SAP so that ODTONE users can see how the
API interactions with our MIHF work. We are currently finishing the MIIS
service and adding more support for other operating systems, such as
Windows. Please visit our project page at
http://hng.av.it.pt/projects/odtone or head down directly to our
platform at http://helios.av.it.pt/projects/odtone where you can get the
source code (either via Git repository or a downloadable tar.gz),
download a simple manual for setting up the software, and the means to
submit issues with problems or bugs.
We hope that ODTONE is able to provide a common ground to both academia
research through evaluation and extension of the 802.21 standard, as
well as to the industry on having another implementation to execute
interoperability with.
Best regards and thank you for reading,
Daniel Corujo