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FW: 802W-0113-Interim Session-WG Meeting Specs Due November 27th



From: Lisa Ronmark [mailto:lisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:56 PM
To: Alfvin Rick; Heile Bob; Kraemer Bruce; Lynch Mike; Marks Roger; Mody Apurva; Rosdahl Jon; Shellhammer Steve; Stephens Adrian; Kinney Pat; Notor John; Reede Ivan; Jeffree Tony; Gilb James P. K.; Kraemer Bruce; Mody Apurva; Das Subir; Das Subir; Das, Subir; harry@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Slykhouse Dawn; Ronmark Lisa
Subject: 802W-0113-Interim Session-WG Meeting Specs Due November 27th


Good Day All,


We are pleased to remind you that the January 2013 Interim Session will take place January 13-18, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver in Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA.


The following Working Groups will be participating:
IEEE 802.1 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.18, 802.19, 802.21, 802.22 and 802.24


Please Note, due to the forthcoming US holiday season we will require your Working Group Meeting Specs on or before Tuesday November 27th.


All event information can all be accessed from the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim website:


Please contact us directly if we may be any assistance in your preparations for the event.


Warmest Regards,


Dawn Slykhouse
IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting Planner

Face to Face Events
Phone: +1 408 241 8906   





Attachment: 802W-0113-MeetingAnnouncement-Oct25.pdf
Description: 802W-0113-MeetingAnnouncement-Oct25.pdf