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Re: [802.3_100GEL] Announcing Upcoming Ad Hocs

Copious apologies for the calendar/email spam. I attempted to add the Sept 9 and Sept 23 meetings to my calendar only, but this launched email invitations to all. 

Beth may be sending out invitations for these, and in all cases, her invitations and communications are the official word.

Again, my apologies,

On Aug 17, 2020, at 2:46 PM, Elizabeth Kochuparambil (edonnay) <00000b6647231c5d-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Colleagues –
As I announced on the 8/12 telephonic interim, I’ll be holding some upcoming Ad Hocs for discussions that we need to have after Draft 1.2 resolution.  I’ve opted to take August a bit lighter for offline work and a bit of a break, then hopefully we’ll have very fruitful discussion come September.
Aug 19 – “off”
Wed, Aug 26 – 2 hour Ad Hoc
Sept 2 – “off”
Wed, Sept 9 – 2 hour Ad hoc
Wed, Sept 16 – 2 hour Ad hoc
Wed, Sept 23 – 2 hour Ad hoc
Wed, Sept 30 – 2 hour Ad hoc
I’m expecting that we will have 1 more ad hoc before we start Draft 1.3 comment resolution, however, I’d like to wait to see how the review returns before I announce what further meeting time we need.
As usual, please send presentation requests to me & Kent by the Monday prior AOE, and the presentations by Noon on the Tuesday (the day before).  It’s always helpful to have a heads up on work you are doing even if it is a week or a few weeks ahead of when you plan to present.

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